Collections on Synchedin | How to Create Your Own
It hasn’t been long since we launched Collections on Synchedin, and we’re loving seeing lots being made already. Here’s how to create your own!

Gather your favourite tracks and SFX together in a curated Collection, keeping the assets you use in projects nicely organised. Creating a Collection is a super simple process. All you need to do is log in and hover over Account, then select My Collections.
You’ll then be redirected to your Collections page, which will be looking a little bare. You have the option to save any Collections that may catch your eye, and which can be found on the public Collections page, accessible via the homepage.
Simply click on Create New Collection in the empty space, soon to be filled with great tunes and sound effects.

You’ll then need to give your Collection a title. Aim to be clear, descriptive but eye catching if you’re hoping to have other users save your Collection. You can add further detail and explain what the Collection is for in the description section.
If you are only creating one for your own use, you can always choose to make the Collection private by selecting “no” in the Public field. This isn’t set in stone, and you can always change the privacy of your Collections later.
This is also your chance to add a fitting image to your Collection, which will display as a tile on the Collections page. Once you’ve created a few, you’ll have a satisfyingly slick looking My Collections page.

Once you’ve done all this, your My Collections page should look like this. As mentioned before, you can alter whether your Collection is public or private. Do this by clicking on the toggle underneath the Collection in question.

This is also where you can edit or delete a Collection, if you so wish. Hovering over the tile will reveal a pen for editing, or a trash can for deleting.
When exploring the Synchedin library, if you stumble upon the perfect track to add to your Collection, just click on the three discs on the right-hand side.

From here you will be able to select from the dropdown menu which Collection you would like to add the track to.

The process for adding SFX to a Collection is identical to that of adding music. You can add as many assets to a Collection as you like. So if you’re putting together the soundtrack for an indie film, as well as the Foley, you won’t meet any restrictions.
There are Collections on Synchedin that have been created by us lot behind the scenes, but we love the sense of community that can be created by our users sharing their Collections with one another. From here, we hope that you will be inspired to check out each other’s YouTube vlogs, have a watch of other creators’ Twitch Streams or any other creative projects out there.
Synchedin is a creative space full of inspiration and encouragement, so get putting your Collections together and dive in!