Can I Subscribe to Synchedin if I’m a Contributor?
Fear not! If you have contributed assets such as SFX to Synchedin, you can absolutely still subscribe and have access to great royalty free music.
We are growing! Not only just a platform providing downloadable royalty free music, we are also offering SFX on a royalty free and CC0 basis. As we are all about community and sharing, we want you guys to share your assets with other creators. If you’re sitting on a pile of awesome SFX, why not upload them to Synchedin and become a contributor. It’s a simple process, and all you need to do is apply to become a contributor first.
Within the site, you will be able to access separate dashboards. This means that you can be a contributor and a subscriber under one account. You can download unlimited tracks, all with the sync license covered, whilst sharing your SFX with the community. What’s not to love?
If you haven’t already, create a Synchedin account today to get started. For just $4.49 per month access great royalty free music, and earn money for your SFX!
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