Download WAV Royalty Free Background Music
Are you looking for high quality music for the background of your videos? Here’s where you can download WAV files of awesome royalty free music!
What is WAV?
There are a few different types of audio file, with WAV being one of them. Now, chances are, if you’re searching for royalty free WAV files, then you’ve heard of WAV before. There’s nothing wrong with a little extra info, is there? Let us quickly explain what a WAV file is, for those who perhaps haven’t come across them before.
WAV is one of three audio format files you can download from the Synchedin catalogue, and is a type of uncompressed audio file. Uncompressed audio files are the largest of the three types. The data of a file is stored as-is in its original form. Although WAV files can store compressed audio, generally WAV audio format is uncompressed audio in the linear pulse-code modulation (LPCM), which is the same as CD formatting.
This mean fantastic, untouched quality audio, heard as the artist intended. However, it’s a good idea to ensure you have plenty of storage space available on your device if you plan on downloading lots of WAV!
How to Download WAV Background Music
Whether you’re looking for intro music for YouTube videos, or backing tracks for podcasts, downloading audio from Synchedin couldn’t be easier! We’re all about simplicity here, ensuring your creative flow goes uninterrupted, and your precious time is saved.

Just find the track you would like to download – if you know of one already you can search for it manually in the search bar – and hit the download button on the right-hand side of it. You can then select WAV from the dropdown menu as the audio file format. Once you hit the file type you would like, the download will automatically begin.
Et voila!