Videos and articles don’t do it for everyone; some people learn best the old-fashioned way. So, here are 5 great music copyright books to leave you informed and in the know!

You don’t have to be a musician to take an interest in the music business or copyright. In fact, if you’re a content creator or creative of any kind, knowing your stuff when it comes to copyright is advisable. Without a basic understanding of music licensing, you can wind up with a mass of copyright claims on YouTube, or even strikes.

But, how to teach yourself about music copyright if you don’t enjoy educational videos or articles? There are these things that don’t have screens or any buttons, and have the capacity to give you annoying little cuts on your fingers. Books! They look great, smell great (we don’t recommend going round Waterstones sniffing the books if you don’t want to attract weird looks), and hold a wealth of wisdom.

We’ve compiled a list of fantastic music copyright books that will fill in any blanks in your knowledge, and that also make for an engaging read!

Music: The Business by Ann Harrison

Using her experience as a media lawyer, Ann Harrison takes a comprehensive look at the UK music industry. This is a useful read from the perspective of an independent musician navigating the business. However, it also provides valuable insight into copyright law and related rights.

Music Law: How to Run Your Band’s Business by Richard Stim

Put together by musicians and a lawyer (author, Richard Stim), this is a fantastic book for musicians who need help. It even features up-to-date downloadable legal forms.

The Music Copyright Manual by Jim Jesse

This music copyright book can be thought of a copyright bible. Learn about all the basics of copyright, plus copyright’s place in the digital age. It even covers music streaming and YouTube.

Copyright Law and Derivative Works: Regulating Creativity by Omri Rachum-Twaig

Omri Rachum-Twaig takes an enquiring look into how copyright impacts on the creative process. This is a valuable resource for anyone interested in intellectual property and copyright law.

The Future of the Music Business by Steve Gordon

This is a forward-looking book, examining how the music business functions in light of modern technologies. The digitalisation of the music business has meant changes to copyright, rights and licensing. Discover the implications of these changes, and exactly how money is made using different music streaming models.