Synchedin Christmas Favourites | Film & TV
You should be deep into the catalogue of festive films by now. If you need some inspiration, check out the Synchedin Christmas favourites here!
Are you a regular Scrooge looking to change their ways, or do you have Christmas spirit to rival Buddy the elf? One of the best ways to get into the holiday mood is by watching lots of seasonal television and films. Fortunately, there are heaps to choose from. You can go for a classic like It’s a Wonderful Life or a more modern flick like Arthur Christmas (which is already 10 years old… Yeah, I feel old too).
With so many festive options available, it can be difficult to decide what to watch next. If you need a hand deciding, or are looking for some films you may not have previously considered, our list is here to help.
Kelly, Product Manager
Kelly has gone for the fantastic Jingle All the Way. “Arnold Schwarzenegger and Young Anakin (Jake Lloyd) create a Christmas tradition in my home. It’s a classic clumsy feel good Christmas film that always puts me in the Christmas spirit. It’s Turbo Time.”
Arthur Christmas makes the list of Christmas favourites as well. “A newer Christmas film, but a great story and even better execution. The director (Sarah Smith) also produced the first series of The League of Gentlemen which is a favourite of mine too.”
Kelly also mentions the television Christmas stalwart, The Snowman. “Is it even Christmas if you don’t catch this on TV? This made Aled Jones’ career. The original release features an intro from David Bowie which shows him in a very different light to Dancing in the Streets with Jagger.”
Zach, Content Manager
Going down the nostalgia route, a classic at Christmastime, Zach cites a childhood favourite, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer The Movie. “Nostalgia city. I distinctly remember watching this in my jammies (pyjamas) when I was like 3 on VHS (bet the kids won’t even remember VHS) every Christmas morning. It’s nice and cosy.”
If you’ve not seen this 90s gem before, you’re in luck – here’s the entire film on YouTube.
Choosing another staple, “I’ll go classic and go with Elf too. Classic family laughs and always goes down a treat every chrimby (sadly not owned on VHS).”
Jack, Media Management Operative
Not just settling for one film, Jack has gone for an entire series of films as his festive viewing tradition. “Entire Harry Potter series – family tradition as we all love them so in the couple of weeks leading up to Christmas we sit down and watch them in order (usually while having a some drinks).”
Another vote for Arthur Christmas, too. “More of a modern film, but it is probably my mothers favourite. We’ll watch it together on an afternoon/evening we’re both around. It makes us laugh a lot, and gets us feeling all festive.”
And a lovely innocent choice from Jack is The Gruffalo. “It’s on every Christmas day, usually in the morning after we’ve opened our presents and started on the bucks fizz. A wholesome staple that just brings some childlike joy while we go about our Christmas morning.”
Johanna, Blog & Social Media Manager
Soppy, sentimental – these are not words I would use to describe the type of film I usually enjoy watching. However, at Christmas, normal rules do not apply. That’s why Love Actually gets an annual play from me during the holidays. Plus, seeing Martin Freeman and Alan Rickman is always a treat.
When copious amounts of red wine has been consumed on Christmas Eve, it’s definitely time to whack on the Father Ted Christmas special, A Christmassy Ted. A firm family favourite of mine, it has become somewhat of a tradition now. Since watching it (probably far too young), I’ve never been able to turn on flashing Christmas tree lights without yelling “back, gone” until someone tells me to shut up.
Hopefully this list of Synchedin favourites gives you some festive inspiration, and gets you truly into the Christmas spirit!