When it comes to recording sound effects, the devil is in the detail. This means having a quality microphone, and we’ve listed some of the best for the job! It can be great fun creating…
Tag: contributor
Do you have a treasure trove of sound effects squirrelled away at home? Find out how you can earn money with sound effects right here! Creating your own sound effects can be laborious but also…
If you’re a Sycnhedin contributor, you will receive payment for your uploaded assets. Here’s how to update your payment details! Now you’ve created your sound effects and uploaded them to Synchedin to share with the world, you’ll soon be expecting payment.…
Are you a Synchedin contributor who has shared some of your wonderful sound effects with us? If you’re wondering why you’ve not been paid, let us explain! So, you’ve taken the time to record your…
If you’re sitting on a goldmine of SFX but don’t know how to share them, we’ve got you. Share royalty free and CC0 sound effects on Synchedin! Have you been having fun creating your own…
Fear not! If you have contributed assets such as SFX to Synchedin, you can absolutely still subscribe and have access to great royalty free music. We are growing! Not only just a platform providing downloadable…
With the launch of our sound effects platform, and images and videos in the pipeline, find out what it takes to become a contributor and upload your assets to Synchedin! If you’re a creative type…