It’s important to take care of your wellbeing, particularly right now. Yoga & meditation has been proven to help, and we’ve got the perfect playlist!

Did you set yourself a fitness challenge or new year’s resolution in January? Like so many, we start off the year with good intentions but often wander astray. Although these personal challenges seem like a positive move, are we setting them for the right reasons? In lots of cases, they become a source of pressure and even guilt or shame. It’s fantastic to want to improve your physical health, but also important to not let that compromise your mental wellbeing.

Yoga & meditation is a brilliant way of combining the improvement of both physical and mental health. During lockdowns, swathes of people turned to fitness channels on YouTube. Whether it’s Tabata videos, or HIIT sessions set to workout music with crazy BPMs. But, there are loads of amazing yoga & meditation channels out there, providing great physical exercise whilst calming the mind and spirit.

Synchedin has put together a playlist dedicated to yoga & meditation for you. Compiled entirely of royalty free music, from great artists like Sizzle Bird and AxR. So, dust off the exercise mat, dig out the incense sticks and get stretching!

Are you creating your very own yoga videos and need some soothing background music? Well, not only do we have our dedicated playlist, but also a huge library of awesome royalty free music. All tracks have the sync license covered, so, once downloaded, they’re yours to use forever. Sign up today to get started!