Endings can be emotional rollercoasters; simultaneously sad, but beautiful and hopeful in equal measure. This week’s Synchedin Spotlight, The Parting by Kevin MacLeod, captures this perfectly!

Kevin MacLeod is somewhat of a don when it comes to royalty free music. Appearing in our most streamed tracks list, and a frequent subscribers’ favourite, it’s no surprise this is his third time in the Synchedin Spotlight. MacLeod applies his compositional brilliance to a vast range of genres and styles, creating music to fit a plethora of moods and situations. In his catalogue you can find intense, cinematic, synth-laden soundtracks, relaxed, meandering jazz, and energetic world music.

The Parting is a track absolutely steeped in tenderness and emotion. It begins with all the stringed and airy sweetness of Concerning Hobbits. Reedy sounds from the oboe give the track a beautifully natural feel, while thickly laden strings amp up the classic romance.

Shifts from major to minor reflect the often conflicting emotions experienced when parting with someone or something dear to you. Sustained chords and long-held notes could represent the urge to draw out a parting for as long as possible. In true cinematic style, the score features suspended chords aplenty, a compositional device that never fails to hit you right in the feels.

Fluid transitions between sections gives The Parting a real sense of story. As the track comes to a close, there is an exulting crescendo of strings, brass and woodwind. We are ultimately left with a feeling of elation and happiness, at peace with the parting.

If you’ve been searching for the perfect track to accompany your film’s final scene, The Parting by Kevin MacLeod is what you need. Using this song in your production will guarantee an audience enthralled.

Keep up to date with the latest from Kevin MacLeod by following him on Twitter. Never miss new music from him, and subscribe on YouTube.